September update Rooftop Gallery and Workshops
So what’s been going on since last update?
Well, despite the usual upheaval of August there has been quite a bit going on.
We tried to maintain gallery opening as wed-sat 12-4 as a standard pattern which allowed for visitors to see the current exhibition. We now need VOLUNTEERs for the rota on Fridays and Saturdays!!!. However there were additional activities which means the building was open at other times too.
Summer activities
On Wednesdays, Dace Mola, Nick Finn, Jen Ross, Chelsea McClintock and Jordan Gray led a series of successful summer Workshops for Kids which produced some stunning work - all on display at the Gallery and on the facebook page. This was a trial set of activities for Corby Artists’ network Youth programme which will see us affiliated to NAYC (Northants Association of Youth Clubs) accessing through them CRB checks, competitive insurance rates, training and a start up fund.
Saturday afternoons Mel hosted “Creative Fun with Mel” sessions from 2-4 ending up with some fascinating orange figurines in unusual places around the Gallery.
Numbers were small but enthusiastic and advertising will need to happen well in advance for future holiday sessions.
This made Wednesday our busy day. We now have a Textile group -Crafty Natters meeting from 10.30-4 which welcomes newcomers and has been trying everything from Crocheting and Knitting to embroidery and making Japanese braid and pillow lace. Feel free to come and pursue your craft in company and share skills.
Thursdays has a mosaic group from 10-12.30, and during the summer there was beginner guitar and a knitting group encouraging young people to knit, meeting from 12-4.
What now?
Thursday Crit group 6.30-8.30pm weekly hosted by Peter Bullivant. Next week 20th Sept we will be holding an ARTISTS’ social. Bring a bottle and snacks to share and any work you want to show others.  Lets meet as Artists.
Walls for all! Is our new democratic hanging idea – on a first come first served basis there are walls available for a small charge of £10 a month to profile or display a small selection of your work. Way less complicated than curating an entire show – but a way to get your work out there.
Artists in residence
Some Artists are beginning to use the space already in advance of the booths being constructed. Come in and talk to us about using the space. Workshop adaptation is ongoing. DO YOU WANT A WORKSHOP SPACE?? Tell us.
As we said before the next exhibition is for new local Corby talent to be on display. We all know there is a lot of that – but unless a team volunteers to put it together it won’t happen.
Do you want to join the Corby Artists’ Network as an exhibiting Artist? We are asking local professional Artists to pay a membership fee and have the opportunity to exhibit annually as the resident organisation.
We have got the place up and running but have had very few responses to the questionnaire  so need Artists to come and get involved.
Schools focus
The Emmeline Boulton exhibition is on the walls until the next exhibition is ready and we are working with schools and colleges to arrange specific visits as there was no time at the end of term.
The town centre renovation, which has seriously affected footfall - is, I am assured, almost over! At least the bit near us. So in the next few weeks we will be taking down the Corby Library signs and replacing them with our own. Hopefully hanging a Banner to attract people leaving the multi-storey and generally moving forward.
We have had a good attendance at the exhibition in line with the others. The question we ask visitors about how they heard about us reveals that all our methods work. Flyers, posters, Radio, Newspaper, Facebook, website, word of mouth, Town Centre people, direct invitation. The breakdown of statistics shows an even split between men and women visiting, 90% White British with a smattering of other visitors, a good variety of ages with slightly more 0ver 50.
Behind the scenes
Brenda has done a great job on the fundraising and Ray, Tim and Geoff shook buckets at Asda to raise funds too. Thanks to County Cllrs Chris Stanbra, Bob Scott and Julie Brookfield for their financial support. We are in the process of negotiating on the rates. We are in process of becoming a community interest company.
In the pipeline
Ideas for future exhibitions are flowing in and events too. Ceilidh and Phillip from Alternative Edgeare taking some of that forward. The photography equipment is still available for hire at a very reasonable rate.
October is Black History Month Ceilidh will be co-ordinating an evening of writing and images. Get in touch if you want to be part of this.

Paula Boulton Sept 10th 2012